There is no need to fill in any return request: all the details relating to the return can be find on the “Old core return form” received when you purchased the good.
The material must be shipped within 90 days from the date of the MEC DIESEL sale to:
DUBHE s.r.l.
Via Sestriere 3
10060 - Candiolo (TO) - Italy
The “Old core return form” must be attached to your shipment document indicating “OLD CORE RETURN”.
Delivery Terms: FREE TRANSPORT (at senders cost)
The product must be intact (not disassembled) and easy to identify, suitable for reconditioning and complete with all its components (i.e., caps, with complete, easy to identify and readable metal plate),
without oil or liquids (i.e. oil, water, fuel) and properly packaged and / or placed on a support that allows lifting and moving safely.
Click the links below for more information:
Turbo Core returnInjection Core return
There is no need to fill in any return request: all the details relating to the return can be find on the “Core purchase offer” received when you purchased the good.
The purchase offer is valid for 30 days from the date of the Dubhe sale.
The cores we receive must be rebuildable to our standards an complete of its own parts.
Hydraulic fluids are considered hazardous by many shipping companies and need to be completely drained from your core return.
Please get in touch with our Logistic dept. in order to arrange the pick up of the core: tel. +390113972132 –
Please ship to:
DUBHE s.r.l
Via Sestriere 3
10060 – Candiolo (TO) - Italy
The cores should be packed carefully for return to protect the core from shipping damage and ready to be handled with forklift.
Please attach a copy of the document “Old core return form” to the packaging for a better identification.